Therapeutic Boarding School For Troubled Girls

Therapeutic Boarding Schools for Teenage Girls

Therapeutic boarding schools can be very beneficial for troubled teenagers who need help getting back on track in life. For most children, adolescence is like a roller coaster of emotions and experiences.

Girls especially go through serious emotional struggles that can cause depression, anger, fear, and disappointment. During this confusing time in life, teenage girls need encouragement and positive support.

However, sometimes even loving parents are unable to provide their teenagers with the proper care and attention that they need. That is where professional therapists and counselors can help, along with a safe environment where teens can learn to improve their lives and rebuild relationships.

There are many schools for troubled teens that offer this type of environment and one good example is Turning Winds Academic Institute. Located in Montana, Turning Winds offers residential treatment to troubled kids and teens, including adolescent girls.

The curriculum at Turning Winds Academic Institute expands the mind of the students and encourages them to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired. Each student is given the chance to progress at his or her own pace in school.

Information on Therapeutic Boarding School for Girls

There are therapeutic boarding schools or programs available in Utah aimed at helping troubled teenage girls in particular. Some teenage girls need the appropriate intervention to help them overcome problems at home and in school and the teachings of a traditional school may not be enough to fulfill this type of need.

A therapeutic boarding school does not only provide individualized therapy and counseling for your troubled daughter but a place where the environment is more controlled, educational and wholesome for her. Here are a few therapeutic boarding school for girls in Utah where parents can explore their options for their daughters:

New Haven

A therapeutic program for girls located in Provo, Utah. The program started on February 1996 and is accepting teenage girls from 12 to 18 years old from all over the United States as well as internationally. They help adolescent girls with eating disorders, substance abuse, and anxiety problems.

Their treatment approach is applicable not only to an emotionally problematic teenage girl but also gives treatment to help heal, support and nurture the whole family. The family systems approach that they pride in is a therapy which engages the entire family of the teenage girls in establishing healthy relationships.

They believe that these girls will respond well in a family-based treatment than a treatment focused solely on them. The average stay for completing the program is usually from 10 to 12 months or longer.

New Haven has different accreditation like that of InnerChange, Northwest Association of Accredited Schools, Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association and the Joint Commission of Healthcare Organization.

The facility is also a member of National Association of Therapeutic Schools as well as the Better Business Bureau. New Haven based their treatment goal on one specific question โ€“ “If this were for my daughter, how would I want it to be?”

La Europa Academy

Teenage girls who are aged 14 to 17 years old are welcome in this residential treatment center. The Academy was founded in 2005, situated in Murray, Utah and a member of NATSAP. La Europa helps each student unlock their unknown potentials, develop their own skills and overcome the challenges that they are facing.

This is done through their expressive arts program which aids in expressing a troubled girl’s emotional pain to help her heal. Their participation in the arts which is art therapy and expressive therapies are ways to help these students reduce their post-traumatic stress symptoms, depression and anxiety.

These types of therapies also help the student identify her own resiliency factors, restore her health as well as provide a place for her to explore, change and grow.

La Europa Academy brags of their Nationally Certified Art Therapist with a masterโ€™s degree in Art Therapy and a masterโ€™s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. Their therapist who employs an effective art program makes troubled girls express their issues that they cannot articulate to just anyone. The student becomes increasingly attuned to her emotions, her senses, and nonverbal cues, and eventually, strengthens her learning in talk therapy.