Identifying the Signs of Addiction In Teen Girls

When it is discovered a teen is an addict, the entire family can quickly begin to suffer the ramifications. Unfortunately, addiction in teen girls is on the rise. Societal pressures seem to play a big role in addiction and many young girls simply see drugs and alcohol as a coping device. In the Partnership Attitude Tracking Study, conducted by the MetLife Foundation, it was discovered teen girls are at a higher risk of developing an addiction because they consider drugs to be self-medicating. In the study, more than half of all teen girls admitted that drugs help teens forget their troubles. This is why parents need to know what to look for to determine if their daughter is addicted and

What Is Addiction?

This question may seem simple enough but addiction goes far beyond a simple craving or compulsion. It is imperative to classify the difference between habit and addiction so parents can understand what they are truly facing when they learn their daughter is an addict. * Habit – Because there is no psychological or physical component, a person simply acts by choice. They can stop whenever they like and will typically be successful in their efforts. * Addiction – With addiction, there is a strong psychological or physical component so the person is incapable of stopping on their own. The full definition of addiction is that it is a primary disease of the brain, involving the intricate dysfunction of the circuitry that controls reward, memory, and motivation. A person who is addicted cannot control their behavior and consistently seeks a reward or relief through substance abuse, drug abuse, or behaviors.

When it is discovered a teen is an addict, the entire family can quickly begin to suffer the ramifications. Unfortunately, addiction in teen girls is on the rise. Societal pressures seem to play a big role in addiction and many young girls simply see drugs and alcohol as a coping device. In the Partnership Attitude Tracking Study, conducted by the MetLife Foundation, it was discovered teen girls are at a higher risk of developing an addiction because they consider drugs to be self-medicating. In the study, more than half of all teen girls admitted that drugs help teens forget their troubles. This is why parents need to know what to look for to determine if their daughter is addicted and

What Is Addiction?

This question may seem simple enough but addiction goes far beyond a simple craving or compulsion. It is imperative to classify the difference between habit and addiction so parents can understand what they are truly facing when they learn their daughter is an addict. Habit – Because there is no psychological or physical component, a person simply acts by choice. They can stop whenever they like and will typically be successful in their efforts. * Addiction – With addiction, there is a strong psychological or physical component so the person is incapable of stopping on their own. The full definition of addiction is that it is a primary disease of the brain, involving the intricate dysfunction of the circuitry that controls reward, memory, and motivation. A person who is addicted cannot control their behavior and consistently seeks a reward or relief through substance abuse, drug abuse, or behaviors.

Habit – Because there is no psychological or physical component, a person simply acts by choice. They can stop whenever they like and will typically be successful in their efforts. Addiction – With addiction, there is a strong psychological or physical component so the person is incapable of stopping on their own. The full definition of addiction is that it is a primary disease of the brain, involving the intricate dysfunction of the circuitry that controls reward, memory, and motivation. A person who is addicted cannot control their behavior and consistently seeks a reward or relief through substance abuse, drug abuse, or behaviors.

Addiction – With addiction, there is a strong psychological or physical component so the person is incapable of stopping on their own. The full definition of addiction is that it is a primary disease of the brain, involving the intricate dysfunction of the circuitry that controls reward, memory, and motivation. A person who is addicted cannot control their behavior and consistently seeks a reward or relief through substance abuse, drug abuse, or behaviors.

Understanding The Sub-Categories Of Addiction

Addiction in teen girls does not always follow a set pattern. Girls can become addicted to drugs, alcohol, or many different behaviors. There are both substance and behavior addictions and it is vital parents understand the difference so they will be able to effectively know what to look for and how to get their daughter into the right treatment program. Substance abuse can include substances such as Prescription drugs, Alcohol, Illegal drugs, Cleaning products, Paint. Behavioral addiction may include Gambling, Sex, Exercise, Overeating, Internet, and Video games.

What Are Some Of The Common Causes Of Addiction In Teen Girls?

One of the most common reasons for addiction in teen girls is self-medication. When young girls are dealing with societal pressures, depression, or a lack of self-confidence, they can sometimes find themselves seeking unhealthy outlets to deal with their issues. When they find themselves feeling relief from their troubles, this sets them up for addiction.

Peer pressure and society play a big role in addiction in teen girls. Today’s teens are bombarded with seeing drug and alcohol use on a daily basis. Whether through their own family members or friends or on television and the big screen, the constant barrage of imagery can lead them to try drugs or alcohol with addiction just over the horizon. Genetics also play a big role in addiction in teen girls. Although having parents and other primary family members as addicts mean there is a greater risk a teen will become addicted, this does not mean they are destined to. A teen’s genes can make it more difficult for them to overcome drug addiction. Scientists have discovered multiple genes that are related to addiction so it is impossible to pinpoint one single gene. Through animal models, scientists are consistently researching to discover the many genes involved in addiction susceptibility so they can find the right treatment methods that will be effective in combatting the disease.

What Types Of Treatment Do Experts Recommend For Addiction?

There are many diverse methods of evidence-based techniques that can be used in the treatment of addiction in teen girls. While some parents immediately take their daughter to counseling when they learn she is addicted, this treatment alone is often unable to adequately address the many constraints that can prevent freedom from addiction. Most experts agree it takes a concerted effort for the treatment of addiction of any type. While there are medications that can help, most warn prescription drugs are not the treatment of choice because they can end up further exacerbating the addiction. Inpatient treatment is the most widely accepted form of treatment for addiction in teen girls because it takes a young girl away from all of the pressures that led to her addiction and treats the underlying mental health issues that may be present so true freedom from addiction can be realized.